Multi-tasking is a way of life for many, while others try to avoid doing more than one thing at a time. For some of us, it is something we must tolerate in order to maintain some sense of order and accomplishment in our daily lives. By definition, multi-tasking is simply the action of completing multiple tasks at one time. While most of us perform ineffective forms of multi-tasking, only effective multitasking can improve work flow and create efficient task completion. Effective multitasking takes prioritization, focus and adaptability, and provides a sense of order and control.
Give your full attention to the task in front of you.
This is sometimes an easy thing to overlook, but often the reason why our tasks take longer than we estimate. We allow ourselves to be distracted by what’s around us and next thing you know you’ve started 3 projects and completed none. When you set a clear rule that you will focus on only one specific task at a time, you increase your efficiency dramatically. Not only will you become quicker at completing tasks, but you will improve your accomplishment rate by finishing more tasks even quicker. This is a base principle in multitasking efficiency – learn to focus on the task at hand and ignore distractions.
Setting specific time frames for task completion.
Multi-tasking includes time management. It’s amazing how focused we can really be when we have a deadline or a short amount of time to get a task completed. If you have 15 minutes to complete the task, focus on setting the intention that you will get it done within that amount of time so you can move on to your next task. However, you don’t want to complete something within the time allotted and have it done poorly.
Becoming effective at switching gears.
This is where a lot of people get tripped up. They finish one task and move on to the next, only to still be thinking about the task they just finished. When a task is complete, all emotional energy related to that task should be released. Look at the completion of your tasks as an emotional release. It’s done – finished. You no longer have to think about it.You’re moving on. One key element we stress here at My Social Biz, is to try and keep similar activities together so you don’t have to mentally make big adjustments between tasks.
Prioritizing high payoff and low priority tasks.
Concentrate on prioritizing your tasks from high payoff to low priority. At the top of your list should be the high payoff items with the low priority items at the bottom. Following up on referrals, returning calls to current clients, generating leads, etc. are tasks that qualify as high payoff activities.
So overall, there really is no way to “multitask” effectively. We call it task-switching. Optimizing the hours you set in a day for work is the number one rule of efficiency, and understanding how you work is paramount to doing so.
The My Social Biz has perfected our ability to master workflows and improve the efficacy of your business strategy. Want to see it for yourself? Our experts can provide you with one on one consulting on how to improve your working structure and how to achieve your goals faster. To learn more, give us a call: 310-492-3895. We look forward to hearing from you!