Make Your Website… Great Again?

You could define “a great website” a variety of ways. However, there is a common denominator in all of them summer up by: A great website inspires the visitor to take action. Of course, the best website in the world won’t invoke an action every time. However, when you understand and apply the elements that make a great website, your chances for success increase. Here are 12 ways you can […]

The Magical Powers of a Good Landing Page

So you have a product or service you are looking to market. Great! You will need to test it. Why? Well, testing might sound like it requires a large investment of time, money, and other resources, but I’ve found the perfect low-effort, high-return workaround: building a landing page. Why Landing Pages? Using landing pages to test a new product or service idea allows you to collect valuable customer feedback while […]

So.. What is Bounce Rate?

You probably hear the term “bounce rate” a lot. It  is a big one when it comes to page visitors. But in terms of SEO, it’s relatively easy to understand. Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who come to your site but leave without visiting any other pages. So if your bounce rate is 80%, that means 80% of the people who come to your site are only visiting […]

How to Implement a Successful Complimentary Backlink Strategy

In layman terms, a backlink is a hyperlink from a website to your page. Backlinking is a search engine optimization practice that is used to improve the Google ranking of their webpage – overall increasing traffic to their site. The best backlinks that will improve your overall ranking are called dofollow backlinks. Dofollow backlinks tell Google to analyze the backlink and use the information gathered about the site to determine […]

How to Get to the Top of Search Engines By Using These Tools

SEO has long been a proven marketing strategy—but how long it takes to show results is an often-elusive statistic. It seems like we should expect a quick turnaround, because our actions typically lead to instantaneous results in the digital age. SEO is about playing the long game and oftentimes takes weeks to months to see results. This blog post will walk  you through both the importance of implementing an SEO […]

How to Use Inbound Marketing in Your Digital Strategy

You’ve probably heard about inbound marketing before but might not be familiar with how it differs from traditional online marketing. In a nutshell, inbound marketing is the proven marketing methodology for the digital age.   Inbound marketing has been the most effective marketing method for marketing your business online, generating leads, and decreasing your conversion time.  Inbound marketing takes your digital strategy to the next level of lead generation and […]

Kangen Water Benefits

Kangen Water Introduces a New Frontier of Health and Sustainability By: Olivia Kingsbury Water is the most essential element to human survival, as it composes 72% of our body mass (MayoClinic, 2018). It aids in digestion, cell renewal, and brain function. This is why staying hydrated is crucial to your wellbeing. However, not all water affects our bodies in the same capacity, as the pH and source of the water […]

10 Reasons You Need A Business Blog

With so many different platforms to reach your audience, it’s difficult to know where you should be spending your time. You can Tweet up a storm, Instagram with the best of them, and persistently curate your Pinterest boards, but if you’re not creating quality content in some form with a business blog, your following is going to dwindle. A blog is an excellent tool not only to reach and engage […]